
Audition (Youth)

We do things differently, that's why we get different results.

Dream big. Live bigger.
Audition Youth Story Institute

Program Overview: Every youth and adult actor alike spend 90% of their time auditioning. Knowing how to audition is a specific skill that every youth actor needs to learn, in addition to acting, in order to be successful in obtaining roles. In this class, your kid will learn and apply the fundamentals of this skill to scenes that they will choose and bring to each class. 

Learning Objectives: With Audition Masterclass, learn the academic and structural elements needed to dissect a scene beat by beat with nuanced and real life stakes and objectives and combine them with the organic exercises and skills to let them live in your body authentically so you are behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances. If your goal is to go into a room and perform the scene exactly as you intended as a means to define “success”, this acting class can change your success rate to 100%.

Ages: 10-13 | 14-17

*Discounts available if taking this as a second class.

Audition Breakdown Worksheet

Use this worksheet as a guide for breaking down the core foundations of your scene. Take a look at the videos below to better understand how to use this worksheet.

ALSO — See the top menu of this website for a FREE e BOOK that gives you step by step instructions on how to include this in your preparation.

These 10 simple steps will allow you to focus on the only job an actor has… SERVE THE STORY.

Once you learn how to do this? Everything makes more sense and you will find yourself learning your lines faster, feeling more grounded in your performances, more connected to your reader or scene partner, and able to provide more consistency in the quality of your auditions.

Break a leg!

Schedule 2021

*Once filled out send to admissions

How to Prepare for an Audition

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