
Ask a Student

Want to know what it’s like attending Story Institute? Have questions about the classes, and what to expect on a day to day basis? Talk to one of our previous students! Learn a little about each one of them, where they are from, why they got into acting and why they choose this Vancouver acting school. 

Daniel Bellmond Ask a Student

Daniel Bellmond

Home Town: Kamloops, BC

Why did I want to become an actor?:
I decided to pursue acting because every career path I looked at other than acting seemed very boring in comparison and I wanted to do something I loved for the rest of my life.

Why did I choose Story Institute?:
I was considering a few different schools but during a school trip to Vancouver we visited Story Institute and it grabbed me. Every other school I looked at focused way to much on theatre and stage acting and I felt they wouldn’t properly prepare me for film and television acting nearly as well as Story Institute would.

Candace Friesen

Candace Friesen

Home Town: Lethbridge, Alberta

Why did I want to become an actor?:

I got into acting because I’ve always been a fan of telling stories, be it my own or someone else’s. It’s been my dream since I was little to be in the entertainment business, and I’ve been following it ever since.

Why did I choose Story Institute?:

I chose Story Institute because I love how hands-on the training is. Everyone gets an equal amount of time with the instructors, and you learn so much information in the six months. Story Institute is very accommodating to their students, and it feels like one big happy family!

Maryk Horn

Maryk Horn

Home Town: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Why did I want to become an actor?:
I always loved doing it, and I was always passionate about it. At first I thought it would be too expensive and unlikely, but then I realized I shouldn’t let that fear determine what I wanted to do for a living!

Why did I choose Story Institute?:
The prices were great, and everything that was done in class was very practical and productive, and they really focused on actually making us great actors instead of making us worry about grades and tests. 

Andrea Hurtt

Andrea Hurtt

Home Town: Omaha, Nebraska, USA

Why did I want to become an actor?: 
I fell in love with acting when I was 15 years old. I was cast as the led in the school play. I continued with my acting until I was 21. Then I put it aside to focus on being a wife and mom. I touched base with my acting over the years with a Fandom related variety Show. For years I said I wished I could get back into acting, but I just didn’t have time.

Why did I choose Story Institute?:
When Michael brought up the suggestion of taking his full time program, I didn’t think I could make it happen. Not during a pandemic. But things lined up, and a few months later,  was packed up, leaving my family, going to another country, and reaching for my long awaited dreams.

Natasha McKay

Natasha McKay

Home Town: 100 Mile House, BC

Why did I want to become an actor?:
I’ve always been a performer, but what draws me to acting is that it’s literally the art of how to authentically connect to others, and yourself! I almost always walk away from acting classes with tools that translate to life skills in many scenarios – acting so far has made me into a better person. 

Why did I choose Story Institute?:
I chose Story Institute because it has a unique schedule, so that you learn how to stack skills and constantly apply them to different mediums in the acting world. I also admire the sense of community that is engrained into the heart of the school, in the acting world and beyond!

James Plante Ask a Student

James Plante

Home Town: Ladner, BC

Why did I want to become an actor?: 
I decided to get into acting while I was in high school drama. I had my first out of body acting experience singing “I Dreamed A Dream” from Les Miserable and in that moment I made the choice to pursue acting instead of working towards university hockey.

Why did I choose Story Institute?:
I chose Story Institute because it seemed like an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up. Talking to Michael and learning what the school was really about made me realize that Story Institute was the place I needed to be. I love that it’s not just based on talent but also who you are as a person. Story Institute is truly unique and amazing!

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