

Story Institute Acting School

Acting School & Acting Classes | Vancouver & Prince George

Vancouver Actors Podcast

Vancouver Actors Podcast- Michael Coleman and Sidney Quesnelle

Vancouver Actors Podcast by Story Institute is your one stop shop for discussions and updates regarding the film and television industry in Vancouver, BC. 

Each week we post a new podcast covering a variety of topics, featuring special guests. Hosts are experienced Vancouver actors Michael Coleman and Sidney Quesnelle.

Have a question you want answered? Got an idea for an interesting topic? Are you even interested in maybe being interviewed?

Let our producers Michael and Sidney know:

[email protected]

Episode 15:

Finding your WHY 

In today’s episode of the Vancouver Actors Podcast, hosts Michael Coleman and Sidney Quesnelle discuss the importance of finding your “why” and why it is so integral to finding success in your career. Comment below what your WHY is, we would love to hear it!

Have any questions you want to be answered on the next podcast email us here at

[email protected]

Remember to use code “VANCOUVERACTORS” for 25% off your membership at WeAudition.com

Episode 14:

How to get the perfect headshots that will help you BOOK 

This week, hosts Michael Coleman and Sidney Quesnelle speak with Vancouver Portrait Photographer Brandon Hart about how to achieve headshots that will help you book auditions. As an actor headshots are one of your most important marketing tools! With over 10 years of experience in photography, Brandon discusses how to have headshots that will get you noticed by casting directors. 

Check out Brandon’s website here: https://brandon-hart.com

Episode 13:

So your child wants to get into acting, now what?

Hosts Michael Coleman and Sidney Quesnelle discuss how to get your kids into acting. How to sign your kid up for the right classes, find the right agent and what to expect on set. If your child is interested in acting this is a must watch!

Like & subscribe for more!

Episode 12: 

Questions about the Vancouver Film Industry

In this week’s episode, hosts Michael Coleman and Sidney Quesnelle answer listeners questions about the film industry. Contracts, filming locations, agents and more are all discussed. Have another question for our hosts? Email our Producer Lydia Rimmer at [email protected] 

Like & Subscribe for more!

Episode 11: 

Knowing your WHY and How to Create Content that will Get Seen

In today’s episode of Vancouver Actors Podcast, hosts Michael Coleman and Sidney Quesnelle interview special guest Diane Foy! Diane is a Marketing and PR Coach for actors. Not sure why your content isn’t getting seen online? Diane, Michael and Sidney discuss the kind of content you should be sharing to take your career to the next level.

Get a copy of Diane’s 6 C’s roadmap to success:


Episode 10:

How to Submit to Talent Agencies

What do you need to seem professional when submitting to talent agents? In episode 10, hosts Michael Coleman and Sidney Quesnelle discuss how submitting professional work to talent agents will make their job easier and help you BOOK. Cover letters, headshots, demo reels, show reels, voice over work and more.

Episode 9: 

How to Write your own Movies

Surprise! We’re releasing a second episode of Vancouver Actors Podcast this week. Episodes will now be releasing on Wednesdays instead of Mondays so don’t forget to set your reminders!

In episode 9, hosts Michael Coleman and Sidney Quesnelle break down the acts of a movie. This is a must watch if you want to start writing your own movies. SPOILER: this will change how you watch movies.

Episode 8:

The DO’s and DONT’s of Headshots

On this week’s episode of Vancouver Actors Podcast your host actor Michael Coleman speaks with special guest Faye Smith! They discuss your #1 marketing tool for acting: HEADSHOTS. Faye is a very well established makeup artist in Vancouver, BC. She answers all your questions about what to ask for while getting headshot makeup, the do’s and dont’s and whether men should also get makeup done for headshots.

Learn more about Faye here: https://www.instagram.com/fayesmithma…

Have a question for Faye reach out to us!

Episode 7: 

How to find your own independent work

In this week’s episode of Vancouver Actors Podcast, actors Michael Coleman and Sidney Quesnelle discuss how to find independent work. Tips for how to choose work that is going to benefit your career, when to say no and where to find it.

Questions about today’s episode?

Tips for submitting to Indie Films by Darlene Tait: https://twitter.com/story_institute/s…

Episode 6: 

Self Taping and tips for memorizing your lines

On this week’s episode of Vancouver Actors Podcast Michael Coleman introduces his new co-host Sidney Quesnelle! They discuss ways to help you memorize lines and what a great self tape looks like. Preparation is key!

Visit https://www.weaudition.com and use code VANCOUVERACTORS for 25% off your membership!

It’s a great resource for self taping, rehearsing lines and even audition for big name casting directors 🌟

Episode 5: 

How to start your own business

Have you ever wanted to be your own boss and own a business? In today’s episode of Vancouver Actors Podcast, host Michael Coleman discusses why in order to become a successful actor you need to treat it like you’re running your own business. You’re an actorpreneur. It will take hard work but it’s a very affordable path to owning your own business.  

Episode 4: 

How to feel less anxious before an audition

In this episode of the Vancouver Actors Podcast, host Michael Coleman shares exercises for grounding yourself and shifting nervousness to excitement for an audition. These tips aren’t just for acting though, you can apply them to your every day life. They’re great for helping with anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD and calming your nervous system. 

Episode 3:

What you need to know about acting. Listeners’ questions answered

On today’s episode host Michael Coleman and special guest Maryk Horn answer listeners questions. Do you need an agent? How much should you give your agent? What if your town doesn’t have an acting school? Can you make a career in acting?

Episode 2:

How to prepare for your audition quickly & effectively

On today’s episode host Michael Coleman and special guest Andrea Hurtt discuss smart audition prep and how to break down a scene.

Episode 1:

100% Audition Success Rate

On today’s episode host Michael Coleman discusses how actors should define audition success and the 4 things we owe every audition.

Have any questions from the Podcast? Be sure to reach out to us, we are happy to answer and questions you may have.